Newsletter Release Notes: Search Engine Optimization Settings, 3rd Party Drivers and Auto Bundler Settings
August 2, 2022
Newsletter Release Notes:
Search Engine Optimization Settings,
3rd Party Drivers and Auto Bundler Settings
Search Engine Optimization Settings
You can increase your website traffic and visits while converting them into more orders by optimizing your Search Engine visibility through our admin backend.
We have default settings that we found to work great for most businesses BUT you can always improve and optimize your SEO for your area/location.
3rd Party Drivers
We have many easy ways to help you expand your business.
3rd Party Drivers are a great way to ensure you have enough drivers in new and expanding locations by utilizing our national partners and their drivers.
The video above can guide you through the process or check out our Confluence article with the button below.
Auto Bundler Settings
Auto Bundler can help you dispatch a lot of orders more efficiently by utilizing less drivers and making bundled orders of 2 or more if a route makes sense and is time efficient enough.
There are also certain settings that you can adjust/change in your admin backend to make it more suitable for your location/s.
Additional Features and Services
If you are managing your own orders and want a quick way of adding funds to active orders that are utilizing Smart Pay cards you can find this trick in the article above.
Driver Surge Pay is a great tool to incentivize drivers to log in during busier times of the day by offering them an X $ amount extra per order.
This way you can still handle higher volume orders and increase your sales while only "sacrificing" a small portion of your profits.
DeliverLogic Weekly Meetings
Make sure you check out our Weekly meeting where we you can learn about all the great features and tricks to help your business thrive!
Also if you are looking for someone to take over your dispatch and support so you can invest your time on growing your business.
We can help!
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