Newsletter Release Notes February 3rd: User Level Automatic Discounts, Additional Charges and Auto Zoning
February 3, 2023
Newsletter Release Notes:
User Level Automatic Discounts,
Additiona Charges and
Auto Zoning
User Level Automatic Discounts
You can now creating custom Coupon Codes that will be automatically applied to customer's checkout page if it's applied to their User profile. This is useful in several scenarios and it can help you incentivize your most loyal customers to keep ordering.
In the video you can see an example of how naming your coupon code (LOYALCUSTOMER) or (VALUECUSTOMER) can really incentivize already great customers to order more OR even recommend your services to other people.
There is another scenario that's more manual but definitely worth trying, offering restaurants special promotions that can be auto redeemed by customers.
(Although you can always "suggest" coupon codes inside checkout pages and e-mail)
Coupon codes are what we like to call "loss leaders", upfront you lose some money but long term you can build a better client base and scale your business much faster than "broad" or "organic" marketing.
Additional Charges
Additional Charges and Gap Fees are a great way to break down your costs and pay your drivers more through clients.
Additional Charges can be anything that you think is a valid proposition to both the consumer and your driver.
- We had a peak gas prices just a few months ago and implementing a Gas surcharge that goes to the driver ensured that drivers wouldn't decline orders because they know they're getting compensated fairly.
- Another great way to utilize Additional Charges is a
Large Order pickup fee if your drivers are processing grocery orders and similar scenarios! - Credit processing fee on credit orders is also a pretty common additional charge that some businesses collect.
You can customize how additional charges are applied and also to which restaurants.
You are able to select specific times, shifts, order $ amounts and many more options to suit additional charges to your business needs.
Auto Zoning
Auto Zoning is a great feature that will save you time creating or updating your delivery zones. They way it works is that it takes Zip codes from your existing Restaurant profiles in order create a NEW zone that will cover all surrounding zip codes in that area depending on the mileage radius you choose.
You will see a list of Zip codes in the top box. This is a list of every zip code in this location in which you have a restaurant profile set up. Input a number in the radius field from 0.1 to 15. When you click "generate"… a NEW zone will be created in your location called "Main Zone - Radius" any zip code within the distance that you specified FROM your restaurants will be added to this zone. The zone will need to be applied to your restaurants by using the Locations > Delivery Fees setup area. Please note that currently, if you add more restaurants in the future, you’d need to run this again, but we plan to build an "auto re-autozoner" in the future.
Additional Features and Updates
Additional Surge Fees are OPTIONAL and usually work well for locations that have longer drive times because it utilizes a “per minute” setup.
If Mileage Based Fees are enabled, this will be presented as a "Surge Fee" to the customer.
The number of minutes for the shortest route will be multiplied by this number and if it’s greater than the established delivery fee, the difference will be added as a "Surge Fee" line item on the total.
If a delivery is 10 miles away and the current delivery fee is $5.99 and your Per Minute Surge Fee is set to $0.75 the system will compare the 2 and use the greater number.
Now this means that the regular $5.99 is smaller than 10 miles x $0.75 which equals to $7.50.
Customer will still see a $5.99 DELIVERY FEE but they will also be charged the difference of
$7.50 - $5.99 which is $1.51 and it will display as a SURGE FEE.
Has a customer asked you why they were charged
a processing fee that you were unsure about,
or even that they were charged the same fee twice?
It’s not uncommon that we get an RDS operator inquiring about a mysterious extra fee/charge that is added on the checkout page that a customer may have asked about.
More often than not it is due to previously set up additional charges and it is simply that charge applying as you have instructed the software to do. Click the "Read More" bellow and Noah will give you a visual representation of this and go over how to adjust/remove these charges.
DeliverLogic Weekly Meetings
Make sure you check out our Weekly meeting where we you can learn about all the great features and tricks to help your business thrive!
Also if you are looking for someone to take over your dispatch and support so you can invest your time on growing your business.
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